20 Foods your dog should NEVER eat..Food kept in your house may be tasty but many are toxic for your dog. Here are 20 foods your dog shouldn’t have: Alcohol Mushrooms Yeast/Dough Caffeine Onions Tobacco Dairy Sugar-free Gum & Candy Macadamia Nuts Chocolate Ham Spicy foods Nutmeg Seeds/Pits Salt (in large quantities) Chives Avocado Garlic Grapes/Raisins Broccoli (in large quantities) 10 Cat household Poisons...Your household items may cause your cat to become very ill or be toxic to them. Here are 10 items you should keep out of reach: Aspirin Lilies Ibuprofen (i.e. Advil) English Ivy Marijuana Acetaminophen (i.e. Tylenol) Rat poison Chocolate Sago Palm Amaryllis
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Author:NOAH Staff Archives
April 2022